miércoles, diciembre 21, 2011


Suicidios en el Golden Gate

Suicidios en el golden gate

The sad tally...
The first suicide occurred 10 weeks after the bridge was opened in 1937. Over the years, there has been seven attempts to build a bridge barrier. While the design and cost have been debated, the deaths have continued. At least 1,218 suicides have been reported, according to a chronicle

There are 128 light poles from abutment to abutment of the bridge. The even-numbered poles face the ocean and are located on the west side, where there is a bicycle lane. The east side of the bridge has a pedestrian walkway. For general safety reasons, both ways are closed after sunset, except to bicyclists. Records compiled by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District use the lightpoles as reference points for 833 of 1,203 reported suicides.


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